10) Nazis. Yes, Nazis. They are the antagonists of so many games I don't even want to think about it. Everyone has played at least some sort of WWII game, right? Think about this, lets say you kill two Nazis a minute. Lets say this game takes eight hours to beat, not including cutscenes, or loading/menu screens. That's (if my math is correct) 960 Nazis PER GAME. Hardcore man.
9) Wesker from the Resident Evil series. Okay, so you only fight him once in the series (I think) and hes not even IN most games, but you know hes there. Hes watching, hes got everything planned, and hes just biding his time until he can KICK YOUR ASS. He was even in the new RE CG movie. The live action ones dont exist. They are a lie.
7) True Dracula, Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin. This game has some epic boss fights, but none more so than the final boss(es). First, you fight Death AND Dracula at the same time! As if that werent hard enough, Death has some new tricks up is sleeve and Dracula has a one hit kill attack. After you beat that evil duo, Dracula absorbs Deaths (life?) force and becomes True Dracula. Jeeesus Christ. You havent seen a Castlevania boss until you see THIS guy. It took me a month before I found out how to fill him, and damn was it hard. So why isnt this guy number one if hes so hard? Because, while he IS epic, he isnt as epic as some of the other guys on this list. (warning, possible spoilers in video)
6) The Hydra, from God of War. No, fuck Ares, and Fuck the M
inotaur, in my world, the Hydra is king, this thing is like 3 boss fights smooshed together. This entire level should be on the list, because its so awesome, not only that, but you encounter the Hydra twice before the battle even begins! This beast just cant wait for you to put it down. And not only all this, but fro a first boss, this guy was HARD. If you were playing Spartan, this thing will break your fucking balls off. Yeah. That shit happens.
Thats the first part of my top 10, check back later (probably next week) for the last 5!
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